Evidence of the Relationship between Technology and Interaction with Employees in the Customer Journey of Theme Parks





customer experience, customer journey, technology, interaction with the employee, theme park


Today, customers interact with companies, including those in the tourism and hospitality industries, through numerous touchpoints across multiple channels and media, resulting in more complex customer journeys. These changes demand from companies that want to offer customers the creation and delivery of positive experiences integrate multiple business functions, including information technology (IT) and human resources. Thus, this study aims to analyze the evidence of the relationship between technology and interaction with employees in the customer journey of theme parks. Therefore, the investigation presented a descriptive and exploratory character, with a qualitative approach. The research was carried out from user-generated content (UGC) within the Tripadvisor.com cyberspace, and the research method was applied to Content Analysis. The main results of the research showed that technology and employee interaction interfere in the theme park consumer journey and that human beings and technology need to coexist at the points of this journey. The reflections arising from the theoretical and empirical implications of this study can help theme park managers to understand which behaviors and experiences are gaining strength, thus allowing investments directed to them.


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Author Biographies

Fabíola Fernandes Silva

Doutora em Turismo pela Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte – UFRN.

Leilianne Michelle Trindade da Silva Barreto, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte – UFRN

Doutora em Administração pela Universidade de São Paulo (USP). Professora do Programa de Pós-graduação em Turismo da Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte - UFRN.


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How to Cite

Silva, F. F., & Barreto, L. M. T. da S. (2023). Evidence of the Relationship between Technology and Interaction with Employees in the Customer Journey of Theme Parks. Revista Hospitalidade, 20, 61–90. https://doi.org/10.29147/revhosp.v20.1041