Electronic human resource management in tourism: a literature review in the 2018-2022-time frame
people management, information and communication technology, electronic human resources management, tourismAbstract
Technological advances have impacted the way of life of the consumer society and, consequently, of tourism organizations. In view of this, this study aims to analyze the production patterns of literature on electronic personnel management in tourism, in the time frame of 2018 to 2022. As methodological procedures, a survey of research was carried out in the Scopus and Web of Science databases. The search resulted in 129 studies. Six thematic categories were identified, among which the most researched was “Factors that lead to the acceptance and use of e-HRM” and the least explored, “Emerging themes in e-HRM”. Regarding tourism, studies on e-HRM in organizations in the sector are limited and restricted to the hotel industry, which makes it a fruitful area for new research. Finally, this research highlighted possibilities of topics and concepts related to e-HRM in different segments. From this, it is suggested that new research expand the time frame, databases and themes, in order to direct future research.
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