Market orientation and digital maturity: a resort case study
Market Orientation, Digital Maturity, Resort, HospitalityAbstract
This article aimed to analyze market orientation (OPM) and digital maturity (MTD) in a hotel categorized as a resort. The qualitative study was exploratory-descriptive, using the case study as a methodological procedure. To assess OPM, the MARKOR scale was used (KOHLI; JAWORSKI; KUMAR, 1993), while for MTD the model proposed by the Institute for Digital Transformation (ITD) in partnership with the Brazilian Association of the Hotel Industry (ABIH, 2019) was used. From the appreciation of the results of each of the variables and respective dimensions of the OPM, it was identified that the resort presents itself in a moderate condition, with distance from a full situation, mainly in the dimensions dissemination of intelligence and responsiveness. The results also showed that the resort can be classified as a beginner in its stage of digital maturity, conditioning this situation mainly in the dimensions Digital Intelligence Tools and Digital Presence. Additionally, the findings made it possible to verify evidence of potential theoretical alignment between OPM and MTD, where the strengthening of the former, as an organizational culture, can create the right environment for a market-oriented digital transformation.
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